An engaging and timely work,
Equals and Partners
is ultimately a story of love
and commitment to the principle
of the oneness of humanity.

Patricia Verge has provided a wonderful gift to Canadians eager to explore and understand how they can and must contribute to the work of decolonization and reconciliation. Equals and Partners provides a crucial window into how listening, learning, and acting based on recognition, and respect, and with love, are vital to creating conditions of justice and equality. Importantly, the book never purports to speak for or on behalf of the Indigenous peoples and voices who are and must be in the forefront of determining the paths of real change that are needed. Rather, the book demonstrates the spirit of humility and service that is needed to truly hear those voices, and act in response. Equals and Partners holds lessons for us all.
Dr. Roshan Danesh
President, Education for Peace Canada

Pat is an excellent writer who takes care to be as accurate as possible, especially when the topic is on First Nations. She is careful not to infuse her own biases into her stories but rather checks with other First Nations to make sure she has it right. I like that in this present book.
Tina Fox
Stoney Nakoda First Nation Elder

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